An introduction to machine translation white paper: what, when, why and how?

Advanced translation technology, housed securely and maintained by professional language service providers, is changing the face of translation – large amounts of content can be translated quickly, at a reduced cost, whilst still maintaining the quality of the final content.

Machine translation (MT) is the use of software to translate text from one language to another. The term spans a variety of tools, with differing levels of maturity – from free, online translation tools to custom-built, industry-specific translation engines.

Whilst free machine translation tools may seem appealing or useful to infer the general ‘gist’ of text, they aren’t appropriate for professional businesses due to issues surrounding quality and security.

This whitepaper covers:

  • What is MT?
  • When is MT appropriate?
  • What are the stages of MT?
  • What are the benefits of using MT?
  • What’s next for MT?
  • MT in practice
  • 7 tips to create MT friendly content

Securely hosted and custom-built machine translation engines can help to create a tailored output, reduce the cost and turnaround time of translations for clients, and maintain quality and consistency across languages. To find out more, download the whitepaper below.